DF Art Project Exhibition Au-delà des Contours

Serre de l’Orangerie – Parc André Citroën, Paris

from October 03nd to 12th 2024

DF Art Project - Au-delà des Contours - Serre de l'orangerie au parc André Citroën, 2 rue de la Montagne de la fage, 75015 Paris
DF Art Project - Au-delà des Contours - Serre de l'orangerie au parc André Citroën, 2 rue de la Montagne de la fage, 75015 Paris
DF Art Project - Au-delà des Contours - Serre de l'orangerie au parc André Citroën, 2 rue de la Montagne de la fage, 75015 Paris
Summary of the exhibition:

An Exploration of Figurative Destructuralism.

Beyond the Contours evokes the idea of going beyond the traditional boundaries of figuration by pushing the frontiers of artistic expression. Figurative Destructuralism, as an artistic movement, challenges preconceived notions of figurative representation by deconstructing forms and exploring new perspectives.

In this exhibition, artists explore the infinite potential of deconstructing contours in their artistic practice. They reject the fixed conventions of realistic representation and seek to capture the essence of the subjects depicted. By fragmenting forms, playing with perspectives, and experimenting with new means of expression, they create works that defy traditional viewer expectations.

The artists use deconstruction to transcend the limits of figuration. They explore the multiple dimensions of reality and question preconceived ideas about artistic representation. Contours are no longer perceived as rigid boundaries but as flexible elements that push the limits of creativity.

Through diverse mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, and installations, the artists in this exhibition explore the deconstruction of contours in innovative and captivating ways. They create works that invite viewers to question their usual perception of figuration and to explore new perspectives.



You are an artist and you would like to participate in DF Art Project Exhibition Au-delà des Contours.

The call for the artist is open for all artists whose works correspond to the artistic line of Figurative Destructuralism:

  • • Artist members or adherents of the DF collective.
  • • Non – artist members of DF collective.

Registration deadline: June 30th 2024.

A selection committee will meet at the july 2024 to select the artists and their works.


You must:

  • • Download, complete, sign the registration form + the agreement and send them by mail at dfcurators@gmail.com along with 5 photos (.jpeg) of your works (YourName-title-dimensions.jpg), as well as a short presentation or artistic approach for publication in the exhibition catalog.

Online Registration

    PaintingMixed mediaDrawingCollageDigital artPhotographySculptureInstallationPerformance

    Online Registration

      PaintingMixed mediaDrawingCollageDigital artPhotographySculptureInstallationPerformance