Exploring our internal territories

By Edgar Manuel Marcos

“My obsession is a graphic quest with vacillating foundations, a quest whose object is specifically the model’s inner significance. I voluntarily emphasise spirituality as an aesthetic criterion, without referencing hierarchy or a religious system – a preference for humanism and its strength as expressed through imagery.

I wish to combine the proportions of abstraction offered by sketching, and I attempt to tame these using ellipsis, yet I establish an accessible dialogue between the spectator and what lies upon the surface of the work. As our perception of what is visible is always ambiguous, and the relationship we foster with reality is permanently open to interpretation, there remains not one but several truths.

My work is finally complete when the mysterious character of the figure, and the fact that my work involves projects containing several intentionally interconnected images, produce a phenomenon of interiorization.

Art triggers feelings. It is useful. The DF ART PROJECT plays a role in the expression of these feelings, it stimulates our deep emotions and explores our internal territory so that we may subsequently share it with others.”

Edgar Manuel Macros, Condamnés, acrylic and black chalk on paper mounted on canvas, 116 x 81 cm.

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